I don’t work for the GOOG…

…or anyone else for that matter.

As you may know, I recently stood down from my full-time role as CTO of LINX – I’m taking a bit of a sabbatical between now and the end of the year. However, I still attended the NANOG50 meeting in Atlanta last week.

So, I was surprised when several folks asked me “How long have you been working for Google?” I think I was more surprised than the questioner!

Where had this rumour started?

Matt Petach usually keeps good notes of proceedings when he attends NANOG and sends the notes out to the mailing list so that other folks can benefit. It’s a good, community spirited thing.

Turns out that Matt had managed to affiliate me with the GOOG in his notes! It certainly got a few sideways glances!

In any case, I really don’t know if I even have the patience to jump through Google’s legendary recruitment hoops – though ask me that again in about a year, if I’m still out of work and living on a studentesque diet of baked beans and canned tuna.

So, just to categorically state: I dont work for GOOG. Or anyone else, for the moment. Phew. 🙂