UKNOF Redux – thinking about the future, learning from the past

I said it was going to take more than one post to empty what’s in my head on this subject…

In the 24 hours since my last post on the topic, Keith Mitchell, founder of UKNOF has published two articles of his own, one on the UKNOF website, and one on his own personal Medium site (which may or may not be behind a paywall in the fullness of time).

In both articles Keith makes a special effort to thank and commend the countless individuals, seen and unseen, who helped run UKNOF over the years and make it what it was.

I am deeply grateful to Keith for acknowledging these contributions.

On my account, I’ve acknowledged, aired and feel able to move on from the feelings of bitter disappointment about what’s come to pass, and instead I’m ever closer to the “smile that it happened” state of mind.

I might continue to grieve for a little while – and in a healthy way – for the UKNOF that was, at the same time I do want to see whatever succeeds it to actually succeed.

To try and make use of the legacy left behind by 20 years (!) of UKNOF and do right by the contributors and community. To take forward the best bits of UKNOF as its foundation.

To enlighten, grow friendships, develop careers, to build networks beyond infrastructure.

So in the coming days I’ll look to the future while at the same time trying to tell some of the UKNOF story, “the best bits”, from my own perspective.

Maybe for my own peace of mind, but also maybe for the success of what’s to come.

After all, there’s 20 years of learning experiences. I was there for a lot of it…